Matthew chapter 12. What restrictions do we put for showing Mercy?
Jesus did different actions on the Sabbath. He and his disciples picked grain in the fields so they could feed their hungry stomachs.
Later Jesus heals a man with a crippled hand on the Sabbath. Then later he casts out demons from a man. Jesus is showing Mercy to people who need it. He's not going to let man-made laws prevent him from showing love and mercy on people even if it's on the Sabbath. The Pharisees kept accusing him of doing things UNLAWFUL. “It's unlawful to pick grain on the Sabbath.” “It's unlawful to heal on the Sabbath.” Such Man Made Laws only stifle the work of God. Jesus said to the Pharisees that God desires Mercy (which involves love) over doing religious acts (like going to church on Sunday when your heart's not in it).
Then to top it all off, the Pharisees, who are so concerned about being LAWFUL, leave Jesus and begin the plot how they could kill him! Seriously? How unlawful can you get? How hypocritical! How could they be all about following the law and miss the fact that they're breaking one of the ten commandments that says, “You shall not kill!”
How do we show Mercy to others and their needs? Or shall I ask, how do we not show Mercy to others and their needs? Are we quick to condemn someone or quick to help someone?
Are we like the Pharisees and we put stipulations on whether or not we show Mercy? What are our stipulations?  “I will help you unless you're worst of a sinner than I am.” “I will show Mercy to you unless you are my enemy.” “I will show Mercy to you unless you are a different race than I am.”
Jesus didn't put stipulations on Mercy. Everybody is worse of a sinner than he is and yet he died for everyone. Even for the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, Jesus cried to his Father to forgive them because they didn't know what they were doing. It was Jesus who said to love your enemies and do good to them.
Pray to God that he would put someone in your path today that you could show Mercy to and help them in need. And don't be surprised if it's somebody that you typically would say, “They don't deserve Mercy!”
I'm thankful that God gives me mercy every single day when I don't deserve it. May I do the same for others!