Matthew chapter 10. It could be worse!
Hey, there is good news, we have all the authority and power from Jesus through the Holy Spirit in order to do ministry. Therefore, let us be like the disciples and proclaim the truth with boldness and confidence. This message, however, is going to offend people. But don't worry. The Lord will take care of us. We will go through persecution because of our faith but God wants us to not give up but to endure to the end. For whoever endures to the end will receive eternal life in heaven (Matthew 10:22). In fact, Jesus says if we confess him before others, He'll confess us before the Father who is in heaven. But whoever denies Jesus before others, he will deny them before his father who is in heaven (Matthew 10:32-33).
We're not use to hardcore persecution so it might sound easy to endure to the end. But some have to endure great persecution and death. But Jesus says don't be afraid of those who can kill your body but instead fear God who can destroy both the body and soul in Hell. From an earthly standpoint, persecution could sound like the worst thing ever but compared to eternity in Hell it's not so bad. I'm not trying to make light of persecution. Trust me, it's not something I look forward to.  Hell makes what happens here seem so minute.  At the same time, the rewards of eternal life in heaven is so great that it makes persecution seems so miniscule. The rewards so outweigh the temporary persecution. Therefore let us not lose focus of the truth so that we stay faithful to the Lord no matter what. When you get through one bad day because of your steadfast faith, then get ready for tomorrow. Be faithful and be willing to take up your cross for Christ daily. The cross represents sacrifice, persecution, and death. We must be willing to suffer and even die for Christ daily. Never give up. No matter what the circumstances.
God help me please! God help us please! We need you.