Matthew Chapter 7. Don't be judging me!
The first 5 verses of chapter 7 address the issue on judging others. Romans 2 and Romans 12:9 also discuss the issue of passing judgment on others meaning we should not condemn someone for their sin nor should we seek revenge because of their sin. To do so is step into the position of God and we ain't God!  These passages aren't saying we should never make judgment calls based on someone's life, but rather it's saying we shouldn't act as if we're God and condemn others or seek revenge against them.
Matthew 7:5 confirms that there is a time and place to help remove sin from a brother or sister in Christ. Our approach is the issue.
If our approach is to condemn or get revenge then such approach tears a person down. Our goal should be restoration with Christ. If our goal is to actually restore someone back to Jesus then we take a completely different approach. 1st Corinthians 5:12 says, What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church are you not the judge those inside the church?
In other words, we don't have any business judging a non-believer because they're lost in sin. Of course they're going to have a sin problem, they're lost. So of course you're going to have no problem finding sin in their lives. If you want to win them to Christ you don't condemn them to Christ you love them to Christ. But if we are to judge those inside the church then does that contradict what Matthew chapter 7 is saying? No! To judge someone inside the church is to make a judgment on their behavior, thus recognizing their need to be restored back with Jesus.  II Timothy 4:2 says that we are to correct, rebuke, and encourage with great patience and careful instruction those who are walking in sin.
So once we make the judgment there is a sin problem, then our goal needs to be to restore them and this occurs when we correct and rebuke them with love, encouragement, great patience, and careful instruction.  Judging someone to restore them back with Christ should result in building them up, and not to tear down.  Which do we do?
We are reminded In this passage to make sure we are restored with Christ or at least being restored before we are quick to help someone else be restored.
Verse 12 ends this section with the old adage: “do to others as you would want them do to you”. If you want people to show mercy and grace to you when you fall into sin or temptation, then let us show mercy and Grace to others who fall into temptation or sin.
Is there an area in your life that needs to be restored with Christ? Have a blessed day!