Matthew Chapter 2. Who is Jesus to me?
In Chapter 2 of Matthew, 4 prophecies were fulfilled. Three of the four prophecies were mentioned over 400 years before their fulfillment.
The four prophecies were:
1. Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea (Micah 5:2).
2. God would call his son out of Egypt (Hosea 11:1).
3. Many babies would be slaughtered (Jeremiah 31:15).
4. Jesus would be called a Nazarene.
So Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea but because King Herod was going to kill all the babies ages two or less in Jerusalem, God sent Joseph, Mary, and Jesus to Egypt. Then later called them to Nazareth.
The Magi/Wisemen were overjoyed and traveled afar to find Jesus and worship him and give him gifts. To them, Jesus was the King of the Jews, the Messiah, the Savior.
To King Herod, Jesus was a threat so he wanted to get rid of Jesus.
Who is Jesus to us?
1. Is Jesus the Son of God, our Savior who compels us to want to worship Him and tell others about Jesus? Are we filled with joy because of our relationship with the Lord? Do we want to spend time with JESUS in his word daily? Do we want to be in a Church fellowship so we can corporately worship Jesus, serve him through our gifts, and encourage others?
2. Or are we like King Herod because Jesus is a threat to our popularity or our social status? We don't like to profess our faith because we fear we will be rejected by our peers, that we will commit social suicide? 
Does Jesus compel us to be noticeably joyful or to go into hiding? Can people tell we are Christians by our joy and love or do we look and act just like the world? 
Who is Jesus to you?