Malachi Chapter 4. Where does the time go?
The Old Testament starts with Genesis and speaks of God's creation, his holy and perfect creation. But then through the Disobedience of Adam and Eve, sin enters the world. The sin resulted into a curse called death, physical death and spiritual death. From that moment on, God speaks of a coming Savior. Throughout the Old Testament it speaks of God's promise of the Messiah who is to come and save the world from the penalty of sin. The Messiah would bring life to those who follow him. Our faith in the Messiah determines where we spend eternity when we leave this earth.  Eternal life in Heaven is promised for the followers of the Messiah, and Hell, a place of Fire, is promised to those who reject the Messiah – a place separated from God forever.
Malachi chapter 4 is the last chapter in the Old Testament. After the closing words of the coming Savior, there is silence from God. What I mean is, we don't read any more books about the coming Savior for 400 years. The next book available for us to read is the book of Matthew which is the fulfillment of God's coming promise first mentioned back in the book of Genesis.
Don't get me wrong, during that 400 years of waiting, life didn't cease to exist. You still had your religious leaders. You still had people talking about the coming Messiah. You still had wars. You still had disobedient Nations. So why this gap of silence from God as far as no written books telling of great prophets or great servants of the Lord proclaiming the coming Messiah?  Perhaps it's a reminder that God is not bound by time. 400 years to God is like a mere day. He was still at work in hearts of people, we just don't read about it.
How do we look at “TIME”? God was not controlled by TIME. Are we? How do we perceive this concept called “TIME”? TIME is created by God so there must be a purpose for it. If he created it and then gave it to us, then how are we in filling our TIME each day? Are we busy filling it to fulfill our purpose or God's purpose? Are we using God's TIME given to us to build our kingdom or build the kingdom of God?
What habits could we change that would give us more TIME to fulfill God's purpose?
* How could we structure our quiet TIME with God so it's not rushed and we can actually stop and meditate on His Word and hear his soft quiet voice?
* How can we take advantage of the opportunities we face each day to help someone in need or encourage someone else?
* How could we be better equipped to share God's Salvation message with others?
Seriously! I don't mention this just to say a nice religious statement. If our TIME is limited and is given by God, then I don't want to waste the TIME God has given me on things that don't have eternal value. So if it's all about God's Kingdom and not mine, then I need a desire to share the Salvation message of Jesus to others, and then I need to do something about it. So what am I doing or what could I be doing to be better equipped so that when God gives me the opportunity, I can both help a person with their physical needs, but then also help them with their spiritual needs by sharing Jesus with them!?
Do I need to be reminded that my wife and family is my first priority in sharing the love of Jesus. God help me be better in sharing your love with Karin and my family and then to the church family, and finally to those who don't know you at all.  Amen!
Blessings to you All!