Zechariah Chapter 11. Am I a part of the problem or part of the solution to the problem?
There are six parts to this chapter spoken by God through Zechariah:
1. There's mourning over God's coming judgment.
2. God's favor is removed from those practicing evil.
3. Destruction falls upon the spiritual leaders aren't leading in Holiness and Righteousness.
4. The righteous ones are betrayed against.
5. Evil increases because of evil leadership.
6. God brings his final judgment/wrath.
  • Do we mourn over lost souls? Does it bother us that people will be separated from God forever in hell?
  • We live in a world today where people have rejected God and are very content in living life their own way. We see leaders ruling states and countries in an ungodly manner and people are led astray. Evil is allowed and good is despised upon and against.
  • Those who want to be a part of the solution and pursue the righteousness of Christ versus being a part of the problem, will be betrayed like Jesus was betrayed for 30 pieces of silver. To be a part of the solution is to be different than the world. Persecution is a HUGE possibility.
  • But woe to those who pursue evil for God's final judgment will fall upon evil people and their leadership.
  • In this world today, people are either seeking evil in order to fulfill their selfish desires or are seeking good – God's truth. One is a part of the problem and one is a part of the solution to the problem. Which am I? Which are we? Which are you?