Zechariah Chapter 10. Is God your Shepherd today?
The Lord declares to Judah that he is the one that causes the rain so their crops grow and not their idols nor the diviners. Those who put their trust in other things or people are like wandering sheep without a shepherd. God desires to be Juda's Shepherd and said woe to those who deceive them otherwise. It is God who allows them to triumph and have victories in life. Apart from God they aren't able to do anything. God is able to strengthen them, save them, restore and redeem them because of his compassions. God wants them to become like warriors and ultimately rejoice in the Lord.
What was said of Judah can be said of us today. It is God who enables us to have talents or a job and make money. We can choose, by the grace of God, to be great at what we do or be mediocre. My prayer is that each of us will strive to become all that we can be for the Lord.
God wants to daily come beside us as a shepherd and show his compassions (Lamentations 3:22-23). 
1. He wants to strengthen us during our days we feel weak and tired and under stress.
2. He wants to save us from the devil's deception that we allow to alter our thought life and behaviors.
3. He wants to redeem and restore us into a close relationship with him. He wants us to live securely.
4. He wants to make us warriors that can withstand the lies of the devil so that ultimately we will rejoice in the Lord!
Is God your shepherd? He is able to help you with your spiritual walk daily.
Or are you a wandering sheep still experimenting with life's deceptions which only hurt your relationship with the Lord?
Let God strengthen you, save you, restore you, or redeem you, so that ultimately you can rejoice in the Lord and do so daily (Philippians 4:4).
Personally, I feel I'm going through a dry time. I'm spending time with the Lord daily through the word and through my prayer time but feeling God is distant. I'm having to trust him more. I don't want my feelings to dictate whether or not God is actively involved in my life. He's always near me with new compassions everyday. His spiritual Truths are Truths whether I feel God or don't feel God. May we all know his presence today regardless of how we feel.