Zachariah Chapter 4. I CAN'T DO THIS!
The angel of the Lord came to Joshua because God is at work and foretells of what is to come. He declares that Zerubbabel will complete the temple of God and nothing will stop him because it will be by God's power and might that he'll be able to do it.
God is always busy and at work building his Kingdom. Jesus came to the Earth to preach the Good News Of Heaven. God sent him and he was obedient to God's call and now Jesus is sending us to proclaim the Good News Of Heaven (John 17:18).
If Zerubbabel had a God-given task, and if it's God-given then it can be done. Not because of our power and might but because of God's power and might (Zechariah 4:6).
So God is calling each and every one of us to carry out his plan. Honestly, his plan can look overwhelming and difficult and hard and even impossible. But if God is calling us then he will have no problem accomplishing it through us. That should make us feel a sense of freedom!! We don't have to carry this alone. We don't have to worry and fret. We just need to be obedient each day with what God is asking of us. Take one step at a time and trust God with each step. You won't be able to brag about your accomplishments because if you were honest you'd have to say I complained a lot and didn't trust God a lot! But you kept being obedient and because of that God's power was able to accomplish what needed to be accomplished.
What is God calling you to do? Seriously! I'm not asking you what he's calling your spouse or your parent or your kid or your roommate to do. What is God calling you to do? How easy is it? Probably not real easy but for God it's not too difficult. What is your next step of obedience look like? What specific thing do you need to do next in order for God to accomplish his plan through you? I would love for you to share what you feel God is calling you to do so I can pray specifically for his power and might to be displayed through you. I'll pray for you and your next step of obedience. Pray for me to do the same! Thank you!