Zechariah Chapter 3. Quit living in the past.
Zechariah sees another vision. Joshua the high priest is standing before an angel of the Lord with Satan standing to his right side making accusations against him. The Lord rebukes Satan.
Joshua was wearing filthy clothes and the angel commanded that Joshua's filthy clothes be taken off because his sins were forgiven and he was to have clean clothes put on him. The angel of the Lord said to Joshua if he obeyed and kept God's word God would use him to lead his people. God told of the coming BRANCH, which is Jesus Christ, who would bring forgiveness of sins to all.
This leads us to US today because if we stood before the Lord, our accuser, the devil, would be standing next to us accusing us of our past sins. Some sins are secret sins we wish no one knew about. There are sins that we would regret which are the ones the devil haunts us with so that we feel unworthy of God's calling on our lives. We stand filthy before the Lord but God declares to us who believe in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, that our sins are all forgiven and forgotten (Hebrews 8:12, Hebrews 10:17).
We no longer have to stand before God guilty in our clothes of sin but now stand before the Lord in the clothes of righteousness: the clothes of Christ (Galatians 3:26-27). Don't let Satan remind you of your past and if he does remind him of his future.
God's desire is to use us, sinners forgiven and in our new lives with Christ. Don't look down on yourselves. You are one of God's children. He loves you and will empower and equip you to do the work he has called you to do. Stand strong and confident in the Lord. Then get ready for an adventure.