Micah Chapter 5. You only have two choices.
A prophecy is made of the coming Savior, Jesus.  The coming of Jesus was to restore the broken relationship between us and God. All who would receive Jesus, recognizing him as the Son of God, the sacrificial lamb, would be forgiven of their sins and restored in a right relationship with God the Father.
Jesus was God's only means for finding Salvation. John 14:6 Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one gets to the father except through me.”
That's why Jesus came to this earth! To show his love by dying on our behalf so our sins could be forgiven.
And there's more good news: one day he's coming back again but this time it's to gather the church, all who believed into him. He'll gather the believers who will experience a restored relationship with God in Heaven forever.
But for those who chose a life without Jesus will not be able to enter Heaven because they still have a sin problem. Their destination will be separation from God forever in a lake of fire called hell.
We have two choices:
1. Choose a life with Christ, resulting in forgiveness of sins and the life of value and purpose with the final outcome spending eternity in Heaven with the Lord.
2. Or choose a life without Jesus, resulting in exactly what you wanted. If you want a life without Jesus, when you stand before God on judgment Day he will give you exactly what you asked for, a life without Jesus. It's a scary thought because where Christ is there is holiness and love. Where Christ isn't, there is darkness and evil. Hell will be your destination and it will be a place of darkness, and torment, and gnashing of teeth, a Lake of Fire for eternity.
I pray you choose a life solely committed to Jesus. Are you committed to Jesus? Are you sold out for him? Have you given him everything, all of yourself? Have you surrendered 100%.
Once you leave this earth, you don't get another chance. Choose Jesus today because he loves you. He died for you!