Micah Chapter 4. God, teach me, equip me, and use me.
Once again God speaks of his coming redemption through Jesus. He will be established above all other places of worship and above all gods. People will flock to him so they can be taught by him, and walk in accordance to his words. He will bring peace to the Nations and his Word will go out.
Isaiah 55:11 God says, “So is my word that goes out from my mouth. It will not return to me void but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”
I want to be a servant of the Lord. I want God to use me to help get his word out because it will accomplish what he desires. Lives will be impacted, touched and changed because of his word. Redemption will come through this powerful message.
God wants to rescue people and bring redemption to the lives but those held in bondage by sin. He wants to bring restored relationships with HIMSELF through a relationship with Jesus Christ.
I want to be one of those who is consumed with God and consumed with his Word and be empowered by God to take his Word to the Lost. I want to see lives transformed from spiritual death to spiritual life through Jesus.
God, teach me, equip me, and use me!!!!