Micah Chapter 1. Do your children know the Lord?
Micah prophesied to Samaria and Jerusalem of God's coming wrath because of all their sin. The last verse of this chapter hit me the most. God tells the people to shave their heads in mourning because their children will be taken from them into exile.
The reality of losing one's children is heart-wrenching. But whose fault is it? The people of Samaria and Jerusalem. Because of their Disobedience to God, because they did not make God Lord of their lives and the lives of their families, God declares their children will be taken from them.
How applicable that is for today. If parents don't make Christ first in their lives and promote Christ to their children, then Satan has the opportunity to steal their hearts through the influence of their peers, media and whatever else.
If Christ is not promoted, first in the lives of the parents, and in the influence of the use of the Bible and church and church fellowship, then we set the groundwork for the devil to capture the hearts of our children and take them into exile, away from the Lord.
Knowing this, let's make sure we are committed to the Lord in all things and then influence our kids with all the resources God has provided. I already mentioned the word of God and church and church fellowship. But it doesn't stop there. What do your kids watch on TV or listen to on the radio? How do you promote Christ at the dinner table? How do your kids see you reacting to difficulties or stressful situations?  Do they see faith or anger?
We have no guarantee how our children will follow the Lord all their lives, but while God has them in our hands of responsibility, let's be all we can be for the Lord while influencing our children.