Jonah Chapter 1.  Running from God's call.
Jonah was called to Nineveh to preach the coming of God's wrath upon them unless they repented of their sins.
Out of fear of the people in the city, Jonah runs from God on to a ship.
The sea became violent because of Jonah's disobedience and people nearly died. The people were saved from death by throwing Jonah over the ship into a raging sea. 
But God, out of Mercy, provided a huge fish to swallow Jonah where he stayed for three days and three nights.
Question: Where is God calling me to Proclaim his word to others so they can be set free from the penalty of sin? Where? Don't enter the thought that says,”Is God calling me?” We ARE called!
If we accept the fact that we are called by God to proclaim the truth of Christ to others, then what are we doing to show our act of obedience?
What are we doing to be better equipped to take this truth to others?
Does my Act of obedience require me to study the scriptures more so I can take it to my workplace, or my family, or my community?
Does my Act of obedience require me to quit my job and start a Ministry? Does it require me to begin a whole new career?
It was out of God's love for a sinful Nation that inspired him to call Jonah to Nineveh. It's out of God's love that he's calling each and every one of us to take the Light of Christ to a world living in darkness and needing Salvation.
Surrender Your Heart, Surrender your fears, and Surrender your lack of confidence to the Lord so he can equip you and use you to reach a lost world.