Amos chapter 8. Let us rejoice that we get to go to church!
In this chapter God shows Amos a basket of ripe fruit and tells Amos the time is ripe for the people of Israel to face his wrath because they trampled the needy and do away with the poor.
The Israelites honor the Sabbath by not working on the Sabbath but they can't wait until the Sabbath day is over so they can get back to making money through dishonest sales and by cheating others out. They were very deceptive with their sales and didn't care about the needy and the poor.
What about us? What is our attitude regarding the day of corporate worship in the church? Do we approach it with excitement and joy? Or are we more excited about what we're going to do after church? Do you go to church, because that's what you're supposed to do, but your heart is more excited about after church?
Psalm 122:1 says, “I rejoiced with those who said to me let us go to the house of the Lord [church]!”
Do our kids or our spouse see excitement within us to go to church? Do they sense it as a place that you enjoy or do they sense in your words and body language that it's not so important? Is it a place to get in and out of or do you invest into the lives of others? The Israelites were so concerned with self that they neglected the poor and needy. 
When in church, do you focus more on getting in and out that you neglect a hurting and needy person. We walk by and don't take the time to ask how someone is doing or to stop and pray with them, or check up on them again later in the week?
Just as we are intentional to make plans for the week or for a Saturday, let us be even more intentional in making plans to touch one life at church each Sunday. I'm going to pray for one person God could use me to reach out to.
Then Monday through Saturday, let us also be intentional in impacting someone's life at work, at home or our neighbors or someone in Walmart, etc. Let us not be like the Israelites who were more concerned with self than the needy. Have a blessed INTENTIONAL Weekend!