Amos Chapter 1. Can God use me?
It's interesting how God called Amos, who was a shepherd, to prophesy his words to not just his own Nation but to the Nations surrounding Israel.
Many nations felt that those who held the position of a shepherd were considered to be holding a very lowly position. Why did God call Amos? There were a ton of prophets already functioning. Why Amos?
The regular prophets were not connected to the Lord and were prophesying false words. But God called Amos because he was willing to speak truth.
God is not concerned about the position we hold. He doesn't care if we're a CEO of a huge company or if we're cleaning toilet someplace.  He doesn't care. What he does care about is finding those with a servants heart willing to live the life of Christ, and willing to share Christ with others. God doesn't wish that any of us perish but for all to come to repentance and turn to Christ.
Amos, because he was willing to be obedient to God's call, called judgment upon all of the nation's neighboring Israel because of their wickedness and un-repentive hearts.
1. God loves us and wants a love relationship with us through Jesus. We all know that. In fact maybe we know it too well because now we just take it for granted, and no longer repent of sins or pursue to develop the relationship. How am I striving to grow in my relationship with Christ? What sins have I not turned over to the Lord?
2. Do we recognize we are called to go into the world, near and far, and share the love of Jesus? We are called, commanded, and commissioned to preach the good news of Jesus.
3. How are we actively sharing Jesus with others now?
4. Am I conscious everyday to try and build a relationship, touch a life, and ultimately share Jesus verbally? If not, perhaps I'm missing God's call and I'm too focused on myself. God help me be conscious about getting the good news of Jesus to others.  Show me even new ways to do this.