Joel Chapter 2. God, pour out your spirit upon me and do great wonders.
There's a great disaster that came upon Judah because of sin but God made a promise of the coming Lord Jesus that would save all who call upon Him.  God even declares that he will pour out his Spirit upon his people, male and female, so that they do great wonders.
But first God called upon the people to repent, fast, weep, and mourn with broken hearts.
1. Do you know Jesus as your Lord and Savior?
2. Are you walking in the desires of the flesh or walking in the desires of God's spirit?
3. Are you open for all the spirit has for you? What if God wanted to pour out his Spirit upon you so that you were able to impact more lives? Would you welcome it? Or is life too busy that you wouldn't have time for what God is wanting to do beyond our daily routines?
Perhaps, we're getting so caught up with our busy lives, that we are missing opportunities to reach lost souls.
Once again God, I surrender all of my life and heart. Use me however you want to. Open new doors including ones that I never would have thought of. You told Judah that out of your faithfulness would come an abundance and overflowing blessings.
God, do in and through me and abundance which is overflowing. But do it so I get no credit and you get all the glory. Let Ephesians 3:20 become real in my life! “Now to him who is able to do a immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine….”