Hosea Chapter 5. What would life without God really be like?
God spoke through Hosea and directly to the Israelites, the priests, and the leadership. He calls them a snare, rebels, prostitutes, corrupt, rejecters of God, arrogant, unfaithful, idol worshipers, and reliant on others and not reliant on God.
God has withdrawn himself from them. They could not find him even if they did seek him. They will be laid waste from God's judgment. He'll pour out his wrath on them until they EARNESTLY SEEK God in their misery.
Think for a second what would life be like without God. I don't just mean, without God in our mind or choosing to live a life without God. That in and of itself would be a total disaster. I'm talking, God removing all of his presence, his power, his glory, and his might.
Second Thessalonians 1:7b-9 says, “God's judgment will happen when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven in blazing fire with his powerful angels. He will punish those who do not know God and do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. They will be punished with everlasting destruction and shut out from the presence of the Lord and from the Majesty of his power.”
We exist, we breathe, we have our heart beating and all body functions because of God's power and might. He commands our body to function so life exists. The ultimate life without God will be a life separate from God while spending eternity in a lake of fire called hell. A place of total hopelessness of never seeing God while suffering in agony for eternity.
May these thoughts drive us to a place of total surrender and total allegiance to our Lord and Savior. May we desire to be used by him no matter where he leads us. Such allegiance requires a faith I'm not sure I have but I'm willing to venture into. God, I surrender my life to you today and I will follow you. Now help me be faithful to you for I know you will be faithful to me. Help me walk in faith especially when the going gets tough.