Hosea Chapter 4. The world is dying and do we care?
God declares his charge against all Israel because there is no faithfulness, no love, and no acknowledgment of God. There is so much wickedness amongst the people including the priests. Even the priests have turned from God and turn to the pleasures of the world and lead others astray.
This is a great reminder of our commission from God (Matthew 28:18-20) to go into all the world and share Jesus. It starts with showing love and from that will come the opportunities to share our testimony of the Lord and share how others can receive Lord.
Do you even know what to say in leading someone to the Lord?  Make that a priority so a dying World can be saved.
We can't let our faith be lived out like the priests who followed evil. We can't give the world a wash down version of Christianity. We have to be a light in a dark world. Our faith walk should stand out in a crowd, not because we think we are better than they are and not because we are condemning them. But because we don't compromise our faith walk while loving those around us.
And remember, Jesus promises that we will have the power of the Holy Spirit helping us each and every day! Lean on him!
Stay faithful my friends!