Hosea Chapter 3. Does sin REALLY bother me?
Hosea sought reconciliation with his adulterous wife. He took her back and called her to repent and no longer be intimate with another man. God is the same with us. He recognizes our sin but calls us back into a repentive relationship with him.
What an amazing love God has for us. Despite our sins and imperfections, and not deserving of God's love and forgiveness, He still desires us to be reconciled with him but he calls us to repentance. Does sin bother us? When we sin against God, do we act like it's no big deal? Or do we go humbly and broken before the Lord, trembling before him, pleading for forgiveness?  Do we pray for his Holy Spirit to help us repent of our sins?
May sin truly bother us while at the same time recognizing God's great love and forgiveness. 
I'm reminded of the parable Jesus told in Luke 18:9-14. Read it please. The parable of the Pharisee and tax collector who went before God and prayed. The Pharisee acted like he wasn't even a sinner at all. While the tax collector beat himself before the Lord recognizing himself as a sinner, pleading to the Lord. The tax collector left the Lord cleansed while the Pharisee didn't. One recognized their sin and was bothered by it, while the other one didn't.