Daniel Chapter 5. I'm Such A Slow Learner.
If we really could grasp and understand who God is, we wouldn't get so easily caught up into temptations of the world: the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life.
King Nebuchadnezzar's son, King Belshazzar, knew the humility his father went through for not acknowledging God as the most High God. King Belshazzar had a huge banquet and was full of pride and praised false gods during the banquet. 
During the banquet, God's hand appeared and wrote on the wall words no one could interpret. The king was terrified by what he saw. He wanted an interpretation so badly that he promised to give the interpreter great rewards and make them third highest in the kingdom. 
No one was able to interpret it but someone remembered Daniel was able to. 
So Daniel went before the King and confronts him saying, “you remember what happened to your dad because of his pride, yet you ignore what happened to him and how he refused to humble himself before the most high God. 
Then Daniel declared to the king that the interpretation of the writing says King Belshazzar's reign as king would end, and the kingship would be taken over by the Mede and Persians. That night, King Belshazzar was killed and King Darius of the Medes took over.
Why are we slow learners? Why is it, that when we hear the truth of God and his Son that we are not driven to a commitment that consumes our hearts and minds? Why do we still let the temptations of this world consume us and attract our attention away from the Lord? Why? Even when we know the outcome could be devastating to us, we still have our 1 foot in the world and 1 foot with the Lord. 
I'm reminded of a passage, Revelation 3:14-16, it says from the Lord, I know your deeds because your deeds are both influenced by the world and by Lord. But I will spit you out of my mouth. I don't want anything to do with a partial commitment.
Matthew 6:19-24, Jesus says you can't serve the world and God at the same time. Choose which you want. Choosing both is not an option because both means you're still serving the world, and the Lord won't tolerate that. 
Jesus says come follow me. He doesn't say come follow me and follow the world.
Lord, help me grasp who you really are so I repent and don't entertain thoughts that will lead me down a path I don't want to go but often pursue. May my life be totally devoted to you!
What is your heart and mind focused on? Who are you serving?