Daniel Chapter 2. Look at what God just did!!
There's so much in this chapter:
King Nebuchadnezzar was troubled and asked some of his wise men to tell what dream he had and then interpret it. If they didn't they would die.
Needless to say, these wise men were in panic mode and begged the king to tell the dream first and then they'll interpret it. The King was filled with fury and ordered that all wise men in Babylon be executed.
When Daniel found out what the king ordered, he went to the king and said give me time and I'll tell you of your dreams.
Daniel called some of his friends together to pray that God would reveal the dream so their lives would be spared.
God revealed the dream and its interpretation to Daniel during the night. Daniel rejoiced and praised God and thanked him.
When Daniel tells the king his dreams and the interpretation, the king then gives GREAT gifts, rewards, and honor to Daniel.
Daniel made sure the king knew that he had no power but all the glory went to God.
I find that interesting because we as humans have the tendency to want to get credit for our accomplishments. Look at what I did! May we be ever so careful in how we communicate our accomplishments to others. Let people know of your accomplishments, your gifts and abilities. Yes, share testimonies, but be careful where your heart is. Do you share with a heart that says “look at me” or do you share with a heart that says “look at God”? We are God's instruments in life. What gives, talents, abilities, and wisdom we have is ALL from God. Be thankful for what he does through you. Share with others your testimonies so they can see God's greatness and not your greatness!
When Daniel was shown the dream by God, he spent time praising and thinking the Lord. He gave God all the glory privately and later gave God the glory publicly before the king. May we also give God the glory privately and publicly.