Ezekiel chapter 48. What are you doing with what God gave to you?
The 12 tribes of Israel were all given a portion of land they were responsible for. In the center of all 12 tribes was where God's Temple was placed and is where God dwelled. Everyone was to recognize this as the place of God's dwelling. Each tribe of people were to put their loyalty to the Lord. That's who they were to be devoted to 100% on a daily basis.
God has given every believer and follower of Christ a portion of his Holy Spirit. He wants to use us and the gifts he has given us for his glory and not our glory. We have a responsibility to our given portion and are to recognize and be devoted to God 100% with our portion and gifts.
Colossians 3:17 says, “Whatever you do, weather in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus giving thanks to God the Father through him!”
When all is said and done, we are all to report to the Lord who is supposed to be in the center of our hearts. We won't report to our fan club. We won't report to our friends on facebook. We won't report to our buddies we hang out with. We won't report to our mom and dad or even our spouse. Ultimately, when all is said and done, we will report to God the Father.
When we do report to him, will he find us Faithful to him? Just like the priestly Zadokite family were faithful in chapter 48!
The Zadokite family remained faithful to the Lord even after all of Israel turned away from God. The Zadokite family were the only priestly family that did not let the world dictate their truth or dictate their decisions. God's word is what they hung on to!
What are we holding on to? God's truth or do we find ourselves holding on to some of the pleasures of this world? Is it all about the Lord or not? So what do we need to surrender to the Lord and let go of so we can be holy devoted to him?