Ezekiel Chapter 41.  God lives in the most holy place.
More information is shared about the restoration of the Lord's Temple.
A great deal of detail is shared about the temple along with all the detail in making it a beautiful place. This Temple would become the place of God's dwelling. They have a room that is called THE MOST HOLY PLACE. That is where God would dwell.
As a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, God dwells in my body / Temple through the person of the Holy Spirit. He wishes to dwell in the most HOLY PLACE. What I find is that I have to continually seek the Lord for forgiveness. My thought life is not always pure.  May my actions not mimic my thought life but model after the Lord and his Holiness.
Lord Jesus, help me to be holy because you are holy. I need your Holy Spirit to help me. I can't do it on my own. Forgive me and help me as only you can. Thank you for all you do dear Lord and your willingness to use me in ministry. May you truly be glorified in all I Do, Say and Think