Ezekiel chapter 39. Transformation in Holiness and Love.
There's a theme in this chapter that jumped out on me. Holiness! Three times God says he will make his Holiness known to Israel and their enemies throughout the nations. One time he says people will be zealous for God's holiness. As a result, God will pour out his spirit on his people.
I find this interesting. God emphasizes his Holiness but also emphasizes the value of his people being holy. Sadly, we don't hear that message across churches. Many pastors preach the love of God but not the value in being holy, and repenting of sins.
God's love is important, but not so that Holiness no longer has value in the life of a Christian. The two must go hand in hand. I want the love of Jesus because love is the key ingredient that drove Jesus to the cross for the Forgiveness of sins. Love is the key ingredient that took away un-Holiness in our lives so we were cleansed and made new. He didn't provide forgiveness of our sins only then to give approval for sin and un-holiness. No, he brought forgiveness of sin and now gives us his HOLY spirit so we can walk with a repentive heart and be HOLY. Thus no longer walking in sin and un-holiness.
Holiness is the key ingredient or evidence in our lives that God has transformed us into a follower of Christ. 2nd Corinthians 5:17 says therefore if anyone is in Christ he's a new person the old person is gone the new person has come. The old person is no longer walking in sin but walking in holiness.
The pursuit of the love of Jesus for a relationship with him, is not just for our benefit but for the benefit of others. Are we pursuing Jesus for his love and holiness? Get ready, for God will pour his Spirit over us and will use us to minister to others so they can hear the message of Jesus and be transformed by his love and holiness.
Do you want this? Do you want God's HOLY Spirit to pour over you and through you to impact lives for him? Or are you like the many Christians in our churches today who are just content to say I'm a believer without experiencing his transforming power in their lives?  And because of the transforming power of Jesus in your life, are people experiencing the transforming power through your life? 
How has your life been transformed by the HOLY Spirit?
How are lives around you being transformed because of the HOLY Spirit through you?