Ezekiel Chapter 37. This is IMPOSSIBLE!
God shows the prophet Ezekiel the Impossible dead bones with no hope of life EVER. God tells Ezekiel to speak his words to the dead bones. When Ezekiel obeyed and shared God's words, life entered into them so they ended up standing in flesh and bone, as a vast army. Then God says, now people will know that I am the Lord.
Ezekiel was obedient to share God's word. He knew and acknowledged the impossible for life was impossible through the words of God! Do we believe the hard-hearted can come to know the Lord? Do we proclaim the word of the Lord to them?
God speaks of the coming Savior, Jesus, who will take the seemingly hopeless lost soul and save them. Then he will unite them into one body, a vast army. Jesus Is our Hope! He, and he alone, is able to take a lost soul – dead in their sins – and bring life to them. And when he does, and people see changed lives, then they know that God is Lord.  The TESTIMONIES of changed lIves for Jesus is great evidence of the Power of God!
God is calling us, who are followers of Christ, to do the following:
1) We are to live the life of Jesus to others. We're to Proclaim the love of Jesus no matter how lost or dead someone looks or acts.
2) We must be like Ezekiel and believe God can revive those who are dead in their sins, no matter how IMPOSSIBLE it looks.
3) It was God's word that brought life to the dead, therefore let us Proclaim God's Word, the message of Jesus, to them in both our words and deeds.
4) God wants to build an army of believers who can fight against darkness, not with the weapons of the world (2nd Corinthians 10:4-5) but with the love of Jesus.
Only Jesus can save and unite people together as one, no matter what race, what culture, what nationality, or what age.
Jesus! Here am I, use me! (Isaiah 6:8)