Ezekiel chapter 35. Don't deny it because I heard you!
God speaks a prophecy against Mount Seir and all of Edom because:
1) They disrespected God's people, the Israelites.
2) They took advantage of the Israelites and attacked them with bloodshed.
3) They were arrogant and spoke against God as if He was nothing.
God confronted them with their evil and how they spoke against him. He ended with “and I heard you.”
Isn't that just like us? If we are confronted about something, we have the tendency to defend ourselves with excuses versus taking ownership of our behavior and changing our behavior.
We defend our evil and justify it or even deny it. It's almost as if we are thinking, “If I can come up with enough justification then it's no longer sin”, even though it is sin.  Listen, how well we justify something doesn't determine if it is or is not sin. Why do we play games with our Disobedience to the Lord? Seriously! What's an area you struggle with but justify it? Or deny it?
Let's be real men and real women and take ownership of our sin. 
Let's surrender it to the Lord and repent of our sin by leaning on the Lord's strength and not our own.
Dear Lord! Forgive me of my sins. Help me to repent through the power of your Holy Spirit. Amen!