Ezekiel Chapter 34. Am I a good or bad Shepherd?
God prophesied against the shepherds in Israel because they didn't take care of their flocks. It's even crazy to say that because what kind of Shepherd doesn't take care of his sheep? They enjoyed the benefits of the flock: their milk, their wool, and their meat but didn't take care of them. Eventually the flock was scattered all over the place and the shepherds never went looking for them. God said he would hold them accountable for the Lost Sheep.
God says, just like a shepherd with the flock so he will be a Shepherd to the people of Israel because they were scattered throughout many different nations.  He says he will rescue them and bring them back together as one in one land. He will provide them food to eat and will take care of there every need. He will show Justice to them.
God speaks of the one Shepherd that will reside one day over all of us, the coming Christ. This Shepherd will take care of his people and will judge fairly. This is the hope for us today, Jesus a shepherd who loves us and wants to take care of us. He desires our trust.
Do we trust Jesus as our Shepherd?
Are we willing to be used by God to be Shepherd to others?
How would you rate yourself as a Shepherd in your own family?
How important is it to you to give out spiritual food to your family and your friends?
Is our thought process focused primarily on ourselves or do we focus on others, thus honoring them above ourselves.
Please take the time to read Romans 12:9-13. It's a great passage that gives a nice picture of a shepherd for Jesus.
Last thought regarding being a shepherd.  When God spoke about the bad shepherds whose focus was on themselves and led others astray, it made me think:

     *Does my leadership or just my influence help point people to Christ and encourage them to Christ? Because if it doesn't then I am contributing to them being scattered away from the Lord.

     *I don't want to be a bad Shepherd I want to be a good one. For this to happen I myself must change FIRST. I can't Shepherd someone to Jesus, or lead someone toward Jesus if I myself am not walking towards him.

     *If I'm walking away from Christ how can I expect anyone I influence to do different? How can I expect to see anyone enlightened for the Lord if they can't even see the Light of Christ in my own life?

     *A Good Shepherd has to be a good role model! God help me please to be that Shepherd!

Have a great day!