Matthew Chapter 8. I want to believe but it's hard.
These chapters are so full of life lessons. I will focus on just one part where Jesus heals the two demon possessed men. When he cast the demons out of their lives he allows the demons to go into a herd of pigs which end up running into the lake and dying. Those tending the pigs told their town what happened and the people came out and told Jesus to leave because they just lost a portion of their livelihood and feared that more loss would occur.
Why did Jesus allow this? I can only speculate so here are some thoughts.
Isn't what happened a part of real life? Jesus allows us to go through loss of some sort. Such occasions require true faith. For example one could say my house just burned down or I had to declare bankruptcy because of my business failing. The question is, do we trust God to take care of us? 
The ministry, Miracle Mountain Ranch, had lost a lot of things in a fire. It didn't seem fair because of all they did to help others. But God provided and restored through the body of believers coming together and helping.
The town, with the pigs, told Jesus to go away. During this adversity, they pushed the very person away that could have done yet another miracle in restoring their Brokenness. Do we take misfortunate situations and use it as an excuse to blame God and push him away, or do we use it as an opportunity to put our faith into practice and trust him to do a miracle? I hate to say it, I feel I fail at life's challenges more than I succeed. God help my unbelief.