Malachi chapter 2. Two words…”STAY FAITHFUL!”
In this chapter, God warns the priests, the husbands, and the leadership of Israel.
God's warnings are not given out of anger, but out of love. God loves us and wants us to learn all about him and his truth.
The priests are warned for not preaching truth and causing the nation to stumble in their faith walk.
Husbands are warned for their unfaithfulness to their wives which is destructive to all the family including the children.
The warning God gives to the priests, it's not just for pastors, it's for all of us. Every time we compromise our faith in our words and actions, we send a message to others that our poor representation of Christ is an acceptable behavior for Christian Living. But it's not. It only causes people to stumble in their faith walk. Our unfaithfulness is a tool that the devil uses so as to cause others to be unfaithful. God, please forgive me for my sins in this area. Help me be faithful.
The Israelite men were unfaithful to their wives and it taught their children to be ungodly. Lord help me be faithful in every aspect of my marriage. Help me be faithful in my thought life and in my actions and words when my wife is or is not around. I don't want to bring disaster upon my marriage or my family. Help me to be an example of a godly husband and father and forgive me where I have failed you.
Two words that describe this chapter…”STAY FAITHFUL!”
1. Stay faithful to the Lord and how you present his truth through your words and actions.
2. Stay faithful to your spouse including in your thoughts and actions, whether your spouse is with you or not with you. Stay faithful!