Zechariah Chapter 9. Yet another prophecy fulfilled by Jesus Christ. 
This chapter is filled with prophecies against the enemies of Israel.
There's also a prophecy of the coming Messiah, Jesus. It says that he will come in righteousness and victorious, riding on a donkey. 
This prophecy was fulfilled in Luke chapter 19 when Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey.
As I read this chapter, it made me think about how this prophecy was fulfilled over 400 years later. There are well over 100 prophecies that were mentioned in the Old Testament and fulfilled hundreds of years later or much much more.
The probability of Jesus fulfilling 100 prophecies is astronomical.  To fulfill only 8 prophecies is equivalent to covering the state of Texas with two feet of silver dollars where one of the silver dollars is marked, then blindfolding a person and giving them one chance to grab that marked silver dollar randomly placed somewhere in Texas.
To fulfill only 16 of the 100+ prophecies, would be equivalent to having a ball of silver dollars 5.5 billion miles in diameter, with one silver dollar marked, then asking a blindfolded person to grab that marked quarter on their first try.
Now think what the probability would be for 100 plus prophecies to be fulfilled by Jesus.
Let's not stop there. There are actually well over 2,000 prophecies mentioned in the Bible relating to Jesus, or relating to wars, or destruction of nations, or individuals. Just think what that probability would look like with over 2,000 prophecies being fulfilled.
All this is evidence pointing to the fact that the Bible is real and Jesus is who he claimed to be, the Son of God, the Savior of the world. Why would we want to serve anything or anyone else?
Here is an
example of just 8 prophecies fulfilled by Jesus:
1. The time of His birth (see the Daniel 8 & 9 Timeline).
2. He would be born in Bethlehem. (Micah 5:2)
3. He would be born of a virgin. (Isaiah 7:14)
4. He would be betrayed for 30 pieces of silver. (Zechariah 11:12)
5. He would be mocked. (Psalm 22:7,8)
6. He would be crucified. (John 3:14)
7. He would be pierced. (Psalms 22:16)
8. He would die with the wicked, but He would be buried with the rich. (Isaiah 53:9)