Zechariah Chapter 6. What is my purpose?
In this chapter, Zachariah has yet another vision. The vision is of four chariots each representing four spirits of Heaven led by powerful horses going to four different regions of the world. God's concern was not just for one particular region but for the whole world. We too are to be concerned, not just with those who live closest to us but also for those throughout the world.
Zechariah is told to gather silver and gold from three exiles and make a crown for the High Priest, Joshua. This is significant because God is raising up Joshua to build the temple which God relates that to His coming Son, Jesus, the Branch, who will be the master builder of the Spiritual Temple.
That was Jesus's purpose: to come to Earth as a human (Philippians 2:8-11) and eventually offer his body as a sacrifice for the Forgiveness of sins for all people (I Peter 2:24-25).
Now, God is asking us to be a part of that:
1. Be partakers of the Salvation found in Jesus, and
2. Be an instrument by the power of the Holy Spirit to reach others so they can also be partakers of the same salvation found in Jesus.
* That is our purpose so are we letting the Holy Spirit use us in helping reach lost souls?  Not just in our backyard, but throughout the world,
* If not, then what needs to happen to get us on that path?