Zechariah Chapter 5. We're all a bunch of thieves!
Through two visions, God declares a curse of judgment over all the thieves, all those who swear falsely by God's name, and against all the wickedness of the people.
I find it interesting that of all the examples of sin that could be mentioned the first example is “THIEVES.” I fear we to quickly push this one off as if it definitely doesn't relate to us.
I define a thief as someone who takes or keeps something that doesn't belong to them. I wonder how much we have that God has given to us expecting us to give it away as a blessing for someone else.
For example:
1. I have an income that comes from God and he is expecting me to delightfully give a portion of it back to God / to the church. But we keep all of it or a big portion of it for ourselves. Malachi 3:7-10 addresses that very issue. God accused Israel of robbing him because the people kept a portion of their tithes and offerings instead of giving it to the church for the Lord's purpose.
2. I feel this also directly relates to our “TIME.” God has given us 24 hours a day. He's expecting us to give him all our time for his glory (Colossians 3:17). But how much of our time each day do we use very selfishly. Our motives aren't so what we say or do is for God's glory but we say and do that which helps me get the attention of others for myself. I want people to look at me in AWE rather than look at me and see the Lord Almighty God.
3. Being a thief is not just the person who takes something from the store counter and sneaks out without paying for it. It's much deeper than that. It includes all who keep that which God has given us in order to give away for the sake of the church or for the sake of our neighbor, or friend, or enemy.
Perhaps we all need to evaluate our hearts and our motives and ask God to show us how we can be good stewards with our money and our time.