Haggai chapter 2. Are you ready for an adventure?
What's interesting, the people of God are rebuilding the temple/God's house after it was ruined.  And God says it's not going to be near as beautiful in appearance as Solomon's Temple was. But he says the glory of God will be greater in the “not so good looking house” because of the coming Savior that will be present in this Temple / house.
The same goes for us, God's created people. The strength of God's glory is not determined by how beautiful we look on the outside, and not on whether or not we wear the top name brand clothes. God's glory is not determined by how popular we are or how much money we have. The greatness of God's glory is determined by a person's heart.
Stop thinking you aren't good enough. Stop comparing yourself with others. Stop thinking you lack the gifts God needs to use you effectively for him? 
Listen, God is the gift giver. He determines what gifts we need in order to accomplish what he wants done. Our job is to surrender our lives humbly before him. Bring to him a broken heart for it is then he will empower you and equip you and shine his glory through you.
I don't care who you are, what you've done, how popular you are or how rich you are, or how glamorous you are. I care about your heart, so humbly come before the Lord broken and say, “Use Me Lord!”  Then he will begin an adventure with you where his glory greatly shines through you. Are you ready for an adventure? He's waiting for you!