Haggai Chapter 1. One little step of obedience can change everything.
God called his people to finish building his house, the temple. But they said it's not time. Instead they made time to make their homes beautiful.
God declares the reason they strive for much and have very little is because they neglected God's house. As a result God has withheld water on their land and caused a drought.
When Haggai the prophet told the people they are to finish building God's house, out of fear, they obeyed. Once they took that first step of obedience God began to stir up the people so that they could accomplish his desire, the building of his house.
Deep down inside what is God calling you to do? You haven't because it's difficult. Sometimes we prefer the path of luxury, or comfort, or security. Perhaps God wants us to be a risk taker, to step out in faith and follow the call of God within our hearts.  And it won't be until we take that first step of obedience that we'll begin to see God work. Our first step of obedience will be the time that God begins to stir up the necessary people that he uses to bring about the vision he has for our lives.
When God told the Israelites to cross the treacherous Jordan River to enter into the promised land, I'm sure people thought that would be the stupidest decision ever. But it wasn't until those who carried the Ark of the Covenant stepped into the treacherous water that God stopped the flow of the river so they could cross on dry ground. God didn't make the river stop until they took that first step of obedience into the treacherous water.
I'm not asking you to do something stupid, I'm saying IF God is speaking to you, then listen to his voice. Is he asking you to step out in faith and make a decision that looks stupid? If we want to begin to see God's mighty hand at work we must first take that step of obedience where we say let's do this Lord. It's then when we'll see the spirit of God stirring up the necessary people that he'll use in helping carry out the plan he has for our lives.