Zephaniah Chapter 3. Don't tell me what to do!
God confronts the nation of Judah twice because of their inability to accept correction from Him. They are so locked into their way of living that they don't want to hear somebody else tell them they need to change. Even if somebody lovingly corrects them so as to help them prevent from suffering God's wrath, they still don't want to hear what someone has to say.
Why do people hate to be told what to do? Why do we hate to hear correction or receive constructive criticism? What is it about our human nature that we feel we must go on the defense, or even on the offense, when someone tries to correct us? Look, I'm just as guilty!
There are times I welcome people's insight on matters that help me understand why a different approach is a better idea. But, more often, if someone gives criticism (good or bad) I take offense because I like to think I'm a perfectionist in a project. I want to do a really good job and if someone corrects me then I am offended because I feel like they're saying you're doing a horrible job.
Those are often natural instincts but I will say if I let sink in the criticism or correction I find great wisdom in what they have to say. So my suggestion, when correction comes, to say and respond with nothing. Let It soak in and learn from it. If what they said has merit to it then let it become that which helps you become a better person. If you feel they were inaccurate with their perspective or prognosis of the situation, then at least you evaluated it with an open heart.
The danger is when we immediately go on the defense and put ourselves into combat mode.
If my desire is to really do a good job then see the constructive criticism as a tool for helping me gain insight and as a way to possibly become better.
It's also a reminder to me that God wants us to operate as a team, called the body of Christ. Each person is a piece of the puzzle and each must work together to accomplish all God wants to accomplish. So we should welcome the assistance of each other, including correction.
But let me add, the body of Christ shouldn't be all about correction but should always be about encouraging. There are ways to correct somebody in an encouraging manner versus an attacking attitude.
So be careful and don't let pride enter your heart and prevent you from accepting correction that brings change in your heart. And definitely don't rebel against God's correction, or you will suffer even greater consequences just as Israel and Judah did.