Zephaniah Chapter 1. Complacency is dangerous!
1. How did God use you when you first committed your life to Jesus?
2. How is God using you today because of your faith walk with Jesus?
If the second question was harder to answer than the first question, then perhaps complacency has begun to settle into your heart. 
For the second time, God addresses those who are complacent with their faith walk and declares his coming wrath upon them. Why? Because complacency with one's faith means one is not invested into a relationship with the Lord. They are content right where they are at spiritually. Their faith is lazy!
This is dangerous! Read Psalm 42:2, 63:1, and Matthew 5:6.
All three of these passages speak of how God loves those who are hungering and thirsting for him and his righteousness. He wants people to seek him just like they would be seeking water in the middle of a desert after days without water.
To seek God like we would water in a desert, means there's no room for complacency or contentment with our current spiritual walk. You would never be content with what water you HAD. Your body is always wanting more water. No one says I'm not going to drink liquids anymore, why? Because your body needs it. It's the same with our relationship with Christ. Once we become complacent, it's like we're saying our time with God, our time with the Word, our time with fellowship, or our time in witnessing is not really necessary.  Our soul is wanting fed daily!
If complacency happens, you quit striving forward and eventually lives are no longer being impacted for the kingdom. When we get where we can tell stories how God USED TO USE US, and not able to tell new stories or testimonies of how God IS USING US, then we have reached a complacent faith.
1. How did God use you when you first committed your life to Jesus?
2. How is God using you today because of your faith walk with Jesus?
If the second question was harder to answer than the first question, then perhaps complacency has begun to settle into your heart. 
Let us hunger and thirst for all that God has for us. Let's not let anything stop us.