Habakkuk Chapter 2. I want it now!!
We are naturally impatient people. If we want something, we want it now. We will buy it or order it online and overnight it if we want to. If information is what we're looking for then we Google it or ask Alexa.
The last thing we like to hear is “WAIT!”  Habakkuk wanted to see God's intervention now! He complained because he had to wait. God said the answer lingers but it will come at the “appointed time.” Think what that means. The “appointed time” means it comes at a time God designated or decided beforehand. In other words, it comes at a time that will accomplish God's purpose. He isn't bringing his answer just to make us happy. His answer comes at a time so it will ultimately bring glory to his name. He'll get the recognition and praise!
While waiting, we think it's all about us, but really it's all about what God is wanting to accomplish. God is always at work to conform us into the image of his son Jesus (Romans 8:29), and to develop the fruits of the Holy Spirit in our lives (Galatians 5:22-23). So when things don't go our way, do we get upset or impatient? If God's desire is to help us be patient (one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit), then He'll allow us to be in situations that challenge us to be patient. If God wants to teach us to be trusting of him, then He'll allow us to be in situations that require faith on our part. If God's desire of us is to be more loving, then he'll allow an “annoying” person to be put into our path, not so we treat them poorly and not so we ignore them, but so we love on the person with the same love God lavishes on us (1 John 4:19 and 1st John 3:1).
So what are you going through right now? What are you waiting for? What is God trying to teach you? Do you trust him? Are you patient or impatient? Do you let the “annoying” person in your life activate your feelings of hate and rejection? Or do you let it drive you to prayer for the person thus seeking ways to love on the person and show them Value and Worth?
Keep praying for God's answer will come at an “appointed time”. 
And remember to thank him and give him all glory and praise!