Habakkuk Chapter 1. Stop Complaining.
Habakkuk complains of all the evil going on and cries out to God for help but God seems to be silent in the matter. Finally God says that he's up to something big so be patient. He declares how he will destroy the evil Assyrians by raising up and using the evil Babylonians. Habakkuk complained again because God is using an evil Nation to destroy an evil nation.
What's our complaint? There's always something going on in people's lives. There's always something to complain about. I'm not saying we should complain, I'm just saying, if we are prone to complain then the devil will always supply enough material for us.
Habakkuk complained about God seeming so far away and not intervening and being silent to giving an answer. Perhaps we too are complaining over an issue that we have sought for an answer on, but God seems far away and silent.
I strongly believe God's answer would be the same for us: Be Patient!
God is at work raising up an answer we just don't see it. But it's coming! In fact, if God would have told us long ago what he was going to do, we wouldn't have believed him.
God's plan didn't make sense to Habakkuk. God's plan may not make sense to us but keep trusting him. His timing may not make sense but keep trusting him.
Karen and I had been praying for a job for me and a house for us to live in. Three weeks before we were having to start moving out, we still needed a job and house to live in. The house we were going to move into was no longer going to happen because of circumstances. 
Having to Trust God to provide is difficult. Of course we would have loved for his plan to be revealed way in advance because that would require much less faith. I believe he is saying trust me and I'll do something you wouldn't have believed. I'm already working things out, you just don't see what's happening behind the scenes. 
God, I will trust you.