Nahum Chapter 3. Good is evil and evil is good.
We love TV shows where the good guy beats the bad guy. What's difficult is when the evil is not easily defined because there's no moral starting point. It's easy to define evil when morality exists and is defined equally among the people. But when the majority of people act as if “anything goes” or act as if it's ok to do something that's “morally wrong” as defined by Scripture, then by all means it's okay to do it. And the rest of the world is expected to support them for their “evil act” because it's not really “evil.”
It used to be any sex outside of marriage was considered evil or a sin because it hurt one's spiritual well-being while destroying lives emotionally and mentally on Earth.
But now, any kind of sex is considered “acceptable”:
Sex with children, sex with animals, sex with same gender, sex outside of marriage, sex with multiple partners, etc.
Isaiah 5:20 says, “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, or call darkness light and light darkness, or call bitter – sweet and sweet bitter.”
It should bother us if we compromise our faith, and it should also bother us when others are living a life where good is defined as evil and evil is defined as good. We can't idly set by and watch their moral decay. Instead, we need to lovingly fight against this and we get best results when we focus on one life at a time.
A woman hated this famous Christian man and publicly spoke against him on her YouTube channel. I mean she hated him because of his Christian views. She openly, for 4 years, spoke and said nasty words about him. She claimed he hated her. After 4 years of this, the Christian man and his wife sent her a letter with a $100 gift card. And in his letter he closed with “I don't hate you”.
Her respect for this man skyrocketed. His approach was love and not hate. That should be our weapon (2 Corinthians 10:4-5)
CHALLENGE: Who is your enemy? Pray for them and ask God how you can lovingly speak truth and then what acts of kindness you can do in chipping away the moral decay in the hearts of those who oppose the Lord God and His Truths.
Here's the youtube link of a woman who spoke evil against a Christian man and he combated her words with love rather than hate.