Nahum Chapter 2. If God is for us, who can be against us?
In restoring Judah back with the Lord, God will destroy the evil against them. God declares to Nineveh that their Doom is coming. Although Nineveh prepares for battle, they will stumble, and fall, and be defeated.
This chapter reminds me of Romans chapter 8 in that Christ came to give us life, life in the Spirit, to set us free from living in the flesh, which is sin, which results into death.  Life in the Spirit results into eternal life because we become children of God, heirs with Christ. But if we continue to live in the flesh, then we are still in sin and life In the flesh leads to death, separation from God. Life in the Spirit is a life of righteousness.
As followers of Christ we are living in the Spirit, and this infuriates the devil who will attack us to destroy us. But as Romans 8:31 says, “If God is for us, who can be against us?” “We are more than conquerors through Christ who loved us.”
God came to restore Judah, and Nineveh rose up against God's coming wrath but they failed. And so with us: God has come not only to save us but empower us through his Holy Spirit to live a righteous and holy life. He wants to empower us to no longer live according to the flesh which is sin which results into death.
But it doesn't stop there. Romans 8:29 says, he has “predestined us to be conformed to the image of his Son.”  Oh, to become more like Jesus and less of me. Oh, to have victory over sin. May we persevere in our walk with Christ, living by the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, so we are living in Christ and not in the flesh. And when we fail, may we get up and confess our sins and be made clean again, persevering with our walk with Christ.
Remember, “If God is for us, who can be against us?” He can deliver us and restore us just like he did Judah.