Nahum Chapter 1. What do you mean, God is Jealous???
In this passage, it says that God is a jealous God. People have a rough time when they hear this because they're looking at his jealousy from a human perspective. Because humans get jealous of people they wish they could be like or jealous of someone when they have something they wish they had. Man's jealousy is motivated out of an evil heart. They want to fulfill their selfish desires rather than acknowledge God as the one who can fulfill what we really need. Our selfish desires results into destruction while God's desires are to prevent us from destruction.
So when God is jealous it is motivated out of love for us. He has blessings for us and when we become focused on creative things rather than God the Creator, then we are forfeiting all the blessings he has for us. God's jealousy, motivated from Love, wants us to have the best that brings life which is found only in him. So when we chase after the pleasures of this world, we forfeit the best God has for us and his jealousy drives him toward us in hopes of saving us and regaining our true love and allegiance. He doesn't wish that we perish in our selfish worldly loves.

God is not stupid. He knows love for the things of this world lead to spiritual death. He's striving hard for our hearts so we can experience the best he has for us: eternal life with Him. So how dare we put God's jealousy into the same category as ours?

Human jealousy looks out for self while having ill thoughts of others. Human jealousy is trying to fulfill the desires of self rather than fulfilling God's desires.

God's jealousy is looking out for our best interest so we can obtain the best he has for us. Nothing in this world even comes remotely close to fulfilling what God wishes to fulfill in and through us.

Have a blessed day!