Micah Chapter 6. What did I do to you?
God is frustrated with Israel because he loves them and wants a relationship with them yet they ignore him. They have chosen a life without him and act in an unholy manner. In God's frustration he asks Israel why they live without him after all he's done for them. He even asks, What have I done to you that you walk away from me?
I wonder what God's thoughts are of me?!? Am I giving him everything? Am I giving him all of me? Or are there things in this world that are pulling my attention? Am I getting distracted? Do I justify my distractions? “Oh, I can't spend time with God today because I'm too busy with this or that!” Do I compromise my beliefs or convictions because it saves me money or is easier or requires less faith in God?
Satan is always fighting for our attention and for our souls. He's a master of deception, so the Bible tells us to beware, be on guard, be alert. Why? Because Satan works very subtly and unless we are aware and on guard, we'll slowly get sucked into deception while justifying every act or decision we make until eventually we have hurt our relationship with the Lord.
Father, forgive me of my sins. Forgive me when I get distracted from you. Help me to daily invest my life into you and allow your Holy Spirit to have full reign in my heart so I can be fully equipped to do the work you have called me to do. Amen.