Micah Chapter 3. What's your motives?
God speaks against the motives of the leaders and the priests and the prophets. The leaders judge for a bribe. The priests teach for a price. The prophets tell fortunes for money. The all proclaim that God is with them. They Proclaim peace and not war. But God speaks of their coming destruction. But are we any better?
What is the motive for our faith walk? Are we determined to set ourselves apart from what the world desires? Are we willing to lovingly share Christ in the way that we live our life and through the words that we say to the lost? Or are we just like the leaders, the priests, and the prophets that just want to say that which benefits themselves?
A good leader is humble and serves sacrificially. They have a genuine concern for others and are willing to give up anything so that others can benefit. A bad leader makes it all about themselves.
A good priest, which all followers of Jesus are a part of Christ's priesthood, are not afraid to lovingly speak truth. They're more concerned about ensuring that the Lost are found in Christ rather than being concerned about being accepted and liked for their words.
And like a prophet, when we think about the future of somebody else's life, do we really care if they go to heaven or hell? Seriously? Because if we were really concerned then we wouldn't be so afraid of telling them of the consequences of their sins. The consequence being spending eternity into a lake of fire called hell. We would want to share about the great love of Jesus who died for the Forgiveness of all our sins.
God is wanting to raise up followers of Christ who are willing to speak his truth in love to a lost world. To be a light in a dark world. Am I more concerned about ensuring my acceptance in this world rather than ensuring the acceptance of others into heaven?
Think about it?