Micah Chapter 2. Come, Follow Me!
In chapter 2, Micah prophesied against Israel because they plan evil and covet and seize and take and defraud and rob people.
So God plans disaster toward them in order to bring humility. He plans calamity against them in hopes that they will return to him.
Despite their sin, God promises he will one day gather the people together and their coming King, Jesus, will go before them.
I find this interesting because if Jesus goes before them, then he's expecting them to follow him.  Jesus called his 12 disciples to come follow him. The good news is, Jesus promises to lead the way.
Jesus is calling us to follow him. Like the disciples, he's expecting us to give up everything. Nothing on Earth is worth holding onto compared to following Jesus. That's why Jesus said, Luke 9:62, “No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the Kingdom of Heaven.
The plow is always going forward when it's working. If we're going to put our hands to the plow then we are committing to always move forward to do the work that God has called us to.
Once we look back, we are saying that there's something in this world worth more value than the committed life of following Jesus. Once we say there's something in this world worth more, then we are not fit for service in the Kingdom of Heaven. You can't serve 2 Gods, Jesus said. 
Today Jesus is saying come follow me. What do you need to give up in order to put your hand to the plow and never look back?