Jonah Chapter 2. Help! I'm drowning!
If I can use words from the world, Jonah was “stupid” for turning away from the Lord and he was “stupid” for trying to run from God, as if we can really do that!  But when he was on the ship, I admired his heart when he told the sailors to throw him overboard. For Jonah to be able to say that was a sign that he was beginning to realize how he had made a “stupid” decision to run from the Lord.
What an experience Jonah went through when hurled into a treacherous storm on the sea. He's fighting for his life while sinking in the depths of the sea, but he cries out to the Lord and God saves him from drowning by having a large fish swallow him where he stays for 3 days and 3 nights.
What do you do for 3 days and 3 nights when inside a large fish deep in the waters? I imagine you do a lot of thinking. I imagine you do a lot of soul searching. I'm sure Jonah saw two options while in the belly of a fish.
1. He can decide to be obedient to God's call and hopefully be saved or
2. He can maintain the poor disobedient attitude and eventually die in the sea.
Jonah was broken and declared his understanding that Nineveh, who has turned from God to follow their idols, is actually turning away from God's love that he desired to give them. And Jonah declares that he will Proclaim God's Salvation to them.
When God heard that, he had the fish vomit him on the dry land.
Some thoughts:
If God can hear Jonas cry and respond while acting stupid before that, then why do we feel our voice cannot be heard from a loving God? Why do we feel God is less interested in us or that our life circumstances are not worthy of God's intervention?
Jonah's heart was broken and contrite before the Lord. That's what God is looking for from us, a broken and contrite heart.
Perhaps you feel all alone like you have no one.  Just like Jonah felt. I hate to say it, but sometimes we have to experience a life without any support so we can be reminded that we always have the Lord. God is our ultimate Savior and not our friends. Not that God won't use our friends but we must learn to be dependent upon the Lord and not on anyone or anything else. 
So who do you put most of your trust and confidence in? Yourself, others, or God? If you're feeling all alone, then great, for now is a great opportunity to give your full attention and brokenness to God who can truly help you in your need. He will restore you and equip you for what he has next in your life.
Perhaps I should listen to my own words today.