Obadiah Chapter 1 (the only chapter). Pride versus Humility!
The prophet Obadiah speaks against Edom because of their pride and they boasted of so much. Verse 2 says, “See, I will make you small among the Nations, you will be utterly despised.”
Pride can come in many forms, but it is very self-focused. It goes against anything God desires from his children.
1. A humble person recognizes the value of teamwork to make something a success.
1. A prideful person hates to give “the team” credit so boasts as if he or she is the Great one.
2. A humble person recognizes, ultimately, that God gets the glory for all good things and recognizes that he'll use a team of people to bring about his purposes.
2. A prideful person truly wants all the glory.
3. A humble person recognizes the needs of others and wants to honor even the least of these.
3. A prideful person will exalt themselves above others and will neglect the needs of others for they see them as insignificant. The only reason they would help a lowly or needy person is if it will help bring attention to themselves. It's not that they care about the other person, it's more that they like the glory they get for helping the needy.
A prideful person doesn't have to be a rich person. It can be anyone. It can be a very poor person who is prideful. The pride of the heart can encompass any of us. 
The same with a humble person, it can be anyone. A rich person can be a great servant of the Lord. So we can't look at people based on their financial status or success. In fact, we may not be able to tell if one is a humble person or a prideful person. We may be able to based upon their words or attitudes. But not necessarily. For some it is obvious to identify their pride or humility but for others, it's something only God knows.
So let humility be our goal in our workplace, our home with our spouse and children, and even in our everyday living around strangers.
1. See the value of each person at work, home or in the community and never put them down as if they are insignificant. In fact, they may be a poor performer at work or home but encourage, compliment, pull them aside and thank them for any good accomplishments. Treat them as an important piece of the puzzle. Don't let pride ignore their value and worth.
2. Let humility drive you to give glory to God ultimately but also recognize your team and family for accomplishments made. Pat them on the back while thanking God for them.
3. Lastly, let humility help you become more aware of the needy around you and ask God how you can help that need. Then involve your team and family so they learn the humility process. 
Pride helps people feel worthless and humility helps them be their best. Pride tears down and humility lifts up.
How would people describe you? How would your co-workers define you? How would your spouse or children define you? Ultimately, how does God define you: as a prideful person or humble person?