Amos Chapter 9. Are you bearing fruit?
There's always hope. God said Israel was evil and they would face his wrath but also said a day was coming when they would be restored again and would produce good fruit. Producing fruit for the Kingdom of God is an amazing thing. Producing fruit is evidence of one's faith. John 15:5-6 Jesus said, “I am the vine you are the branches. He who abides in me and I in him, he bears much fruit for part for me you cannot do anything. If anyone does not abide in me he's thrown away as a branch and dries up and they gather them and cast them into the fire and they are burned.”
Bearing fruit for the Kingdom is essential. It comes when we are connected to Christ and Christ is connected to us. It becomes a relationship and you allow Christ's love to work in and through your life. This love becomes so much a part of you that you want to share it with others. But it's not enough just to love people but there's an inward desire to see them receive Jesus into their own lives. It's not enough to feed the poor but you want them to know the Savior who can feed them with Everlasting food. It's not enough to visit the sick person, but you want the sick person to experience the healing power of Jesus that can heal the soul destined to Hell, a Lake of Fire.
When is the last time you had a conversation about your faith in Jesus with someone else? Loving others is essential but Is this Love producing fruit for the Kingdom?  Our responsibility is to share the love of Jesus with our lives and with our words. God is the one who will produce the fruit. But he can't bear fruit through our lives if we are not obedient in sharing his love with others. So what are you doing to help people understand the love of Jesus thus giving them an opportunity to respond on whether or not to receive Jesus into their lives for the Salvation of their soul?
Lord, give me a desire to show your love in my actions. And definitely give me a desire to share my faith verbally with others. Help me share my testimony of how you changed my life in hopes that they would want to receive you and change their lives for eternity. Help me Lord for I can't do this on my own. I need your Holy Spirit.