Hosea Chapter 14. Are you hungry and thirsty?
The nation of Israel is asked to return to the Lord by repenting of their sins. They are to ask God for forgiveness and he will forgive. It doesn't matter what they've done. They are to return to Lord with all their hearts, meaning no longer having a desire for sinful practices. In fact, turning away from sin and turning to the Lord involves giving God your whole heart so you can be used in Ministry.  God says when Israel returns to the Lord, he would help them to grow and blossom through his Word. There's a hunger and thirst that comes deep within somebody's heart when they are desiring God with everything. It changes their lives and as a result it impacts lives of those around them.
Do you understand this thought process? Have you surrendered your heart and will to the Lord so he can help you grow and be used effectively in Ministry and in your daily walk? Honestly, I Can't Get enough of the Lord. I'm at a point where I want more. I want to be used more. I'm hungering and thirsting for his truth and righteousness. I want to be a bright light in a dark world. I'm willing to go to new places with his love, not in my own strength, for I would fail and be consumed. But by the grace and power of God I want to go!  I'm saying, “Here am I Lord, Send Me! Use Me! Build Your Kingdom!”