Daniel Chapter 10.  I wish I could be like Daniel.
Daniel sees a vision of a man, but not just a mere man, but a man who looks like what you think God may look like. His presence invoked fear and respect and humility.  Daniel was overwhelmed by the man's presence and was drained of all strength and could not speak. He was in a coma like state. Twice the man said to Daniel that he is highly esteemed because of his desire for God's wisdom; and his humility before God. The man saw Daniels weakest state and he touched Daniel's lips so he could speak then he touched Daniel's body so he was strengthened to have a conversation and stand. The man was about to share some valuable information with David and wanted him to be very aware of the words while standing in attention.  The man wanted Daniel's full attention because the words to come were of Truth so listen!
I want to mention some qualities of Daniel that I want in my life.
1) Daniel was a seeker of God and was humble before God. As a result of these two qualities God gave Daniel a vision. 
What is the vision God has given to you? Stop and ponder this thought for a moment for it could be life changing. Don't let it quickly slip by. Don't move on until you examine this question. If you have no vision, then ask yourself this question, am I seeking God with my whole heart (Jeremiah 29: 11-13).
Here's my vision:
    • I want to fall in love with God with all my heart, with all my soul, with all my mind and with all my strength.
    • I want to be humble before God and be consumed with him. 
    • I want to love people around me. All people! The nice people, the hurtful people, the rejected, the wise, the foolish, the popular, the unpopular, etc.
    • I want to get the Salvation message of Jesus out.
2) Daniel was broken and humbly fell before the Lord. God was present before Daniel through the man's vision and Daniel was flat on his face before God. How do we respond to God when he is present before us? When a prayer is answered? When he intervenes in our lives by protecting us from an accident, or when God rescues a loved one, or we get a raise at work, or an award for something, etc etc etc. Do we ever just stop and say thank you or Praise Him from our heart?
3) Daniel was willing to be used by God. God sent this man to strengthen and enable Daniel to speak. God, I'm willing to be used by you, so strengthen me and equip me to speak your words of life and Truth to those who need to hear it. Here am I Lord, send me.