Daniel Chapter 9. The end will come.
Daniel remembers what Jeremiah the prophet had said regarding Jerusalem. That the desolation of Jerusalem would last 70 years because of their sin and wickedness.
Daniel pleads with God in fasting and prayer. He calls for God's mercy despite their sins.
As soon as Daniel started his prayer God sent his answer through the angel Gabriel because he esteemed Daniel and his heart. Gabriel speaks to Daniel of what is to come in the future.
Many theologians interpret this chapter as to referring to the coming of Jesus, his death and the period of tribulation mentioned in Revelations chapter 6-19.
What is certain from this chapter is the importance of staying connected to God through a faith in Jesus. To ignore God's love as expressed through his Son, is to choose the consequences destined to those who reject God's only plan for forgiveness and eternal life. Such a choice results in eternal damnation, hell, the lake of fire. Let us not be like the Israelites and put our attention on the pleasures of this world but rather on the love of God for the:
1) Forgiveness of sins, then
2) Let us repent from our sins, and then
3) Give total obedience to the call God has on our lives.
God has a plan for each of us so what is God's call on your life? How are you fulfilling that call? What changes need to occur so you can be in his will versus stuck in a life filled with one's own desires?
Don't wait until the end of life, for then it's too late!